Cancer Clinical Trials in India – Free of cost access to latest cancer treatments | Immunotherapy clinical trials in India |भारत में कैंसर अनुसंधान और नैदानिक परीक्षण
Cancer clinical trials in India are now available with a few experienced oncologists at specialized centers. Access to cancer clinical trials is an important issue for cancer patients in the modern era. Clinical trials allow a patient to access the latest, most cutting edge medical treatments of cancer like targeted therapies and immunotherapies. Trial participation also allows free of cost treatment for eligible patients.
Dr Vineet Govinda Gupta is one of the leading oncologists in Delhi, Gurgaon (Gurugram) and NCR and has substantial research experience with more than 40 national and international research publications.
Call/Whatsapp us for details of clinical trials available: +919013812875
Detailed curriculum vitae of Dr Vineet G Gupta
Receiving AIIMS Gold Medal and DM Degree from Hon. JP Nadda, Health Minister, India
What is a cancer clinical trial? Are these trials available in India?
What are cancer clinical trials?
A clinical trial is a research method used to find the best possible treatment for any cancer. All the best currently available cancer treatments are the result of previous clinical trials. In order to find new, better cancer treatments, clinical trials are compulsory.
Here is an example of a clinical trial:
Suppose a patient with stage 4 esophageal cancer is normally treated with chemotherapy, which produces limited survival with high side effects. A new immunotherapy is discovered which can possibly treat this same cancer with negligible side effects and better results.
How to find out if this drug works as promised? This new treatment must be given to humans under close supervision and compared to the old treatment (chemotherapy). This is called a clinical trial. In a clinical trial, patients are given this new treatment and the response of their cancer is carefully documented. If the new treatment can deliver superior outcomes to the old treatment, it becomes the new standard treatment for this cancer.
Who makes sure that my patient is not harmed by participating in a clinical trial?
All cancer clinical trials in India need approval and monitoring by regulatory authorities approved by the Government of India such as Drug Controller General of India and ethics committees. They watch over these trials closely and make sure that participants are not harmed or put at unnecessary risk as part of the trial.
Is treatment of cancer free of cost if I join cancer clinical trials in India?
Most cancer clinical trials include free treatment as part of the trial. This generally includes all tests, investigations, admissions, treatments, medicines etc. Also, if patient suffers any side effects during the trial treatment of these is also generally done for free.
What are the types of clinical trial?
While there are many different types of clinical trials, there are two main types:
- Single arm trials: In these trials, all patients receive the new cancer treatment.
- Randomized trial: In this trial, half the patients receive the old cancer treatment and half receive the new cancer treatment and these two groups are compared to each other. Which arm one particular patient falls into is completely random.
Randomized cancer clinical trials
What are the benefits of participating in a cancer clinical trial?
The main benefits of participating in clinical trials are:
- Opportunity to access new drugs/treatments which would otherwise not be available to a patient. For example, stage 4 lung cancer patients who receive only chemotherapy tend to live for less than 1 year on average. On the other hand, many patients who participated in cancer clinical trials of targeted therapy/immunotherapy have survived for many years with little or no side effects.
- Free treatment of cancer: Many new cancer treatments are costly, some costing lakhs per month. Clinical trial participation allows access to these costly drugs at zero cost to patient.
- Close supervision during treatment: Clinical trials are only approved after close supervision by designated government and non-government agencies. Thus, clinical trial participation means that the patient gets the best possible treatment available today.
- Chance to participate in advancement of medical science: The miraculous treatments available today would not have been possible without clinical trials conducted years ago.
What are the disadvantages of participating in a cancer clinical trial?
The only disadvantage of participating in a clinical trial is that there is no guarantee that the experimental treatment will be better than the standard treatment. However, there are adequate safeguards to ensure that patients do not fail to receive treatments that are likely to be beneficial. Clinical trials are generally only allowed where there is good potential to increase the outcome of the patient with new treatments.
What happens if I join a clinical trial but later want to leave it?
By law, a patient who joins a clinical trial can leave it at any time without giving any reason.
Which clinical trials are available under you in India at present?
At present, Dr Vineet is involved in conducting the following clinical trials in India. Treatment and investigations are free of cost for eligible patients who wish to participate.You can click each individual cancer type to learn more about the trials we have. To get more information, email us at
- Lung cancer clinical trials
- For stage 4 lung cancer without EGFR/ALK mutations or brain metastases: Single arm trial of immunotherapy
- For stage 4 lung cancer patients with EGFR mutations whose disease has failed Osimertinib (targeted therapy): Randomized trial of next-generation targeted therapy with chemotherapy
- For stage 3 lung cancer patients who have received combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy: Single arm trial of immunotherapy
- For stage 1-3 small cell lung cancer (SCLC) after chemotherapy and radiotherapy: Randomized trial of immunotherapy
- For stage 1B-3B lung cancer who can undergo surgery: Randomized trial of chemoimmunotherapy followed by surgery
- Breast cancer clinical trials:
- For stage 4 triple negative (ER- PR- HER2-) breast cancer: Randomized trial of a new type of specialized targeted therapy
- For stage 4 HER2 positive breast cancer: Randomized trial comparing older targeted therapy with chemotherapy versus a novel, highly effective targeted therapy without chemotherapy
- For stage 2-3 HER2 positive breast cancer: Randomized trial comparing older targeted therapy with chemotherapy versus a novel, highly effective targeted therapy without chemotherapy
- For stage 4 hormone positive (ER+ or PR+, HER2-) breast cancer: Randomized trial comparing older hormone therapy with targeted therapy with a novel, potent hormone therapy with targeted therapy
- Prostate cancer clinical trials:
- For stage 4 prostate cancer: Free genetic testing to look for targeted therapy options, followed by a randomized trial comparing hormone therapy alone to hormone therapy with targeted therapy
- Melanoma cancer clinical trials:
- For stage 4 melanoma without brain metastases: Single arm trial of immunotherapy
- Ovarian cancer clinical trials:
- For stage 3 ovarian cancer after surgery: Randomized trial of an highly effective targeted therapy tablet
Many more trials are currently in pipeline and will be launched soon: Contact us for more information.
Besides the above, are other cancer clinical trials in India also available?
A number of additional clinical trials are available for various cancers at other centers around India. To know if a clinical trial is available for your cancer, whatsapp us at +919013812875 or email us at with your reports.
I want to learn more about cancer and its treatment…
You can access more information using various sections of this website. Some common topics of interest are linked below. For other topics you can use the menu above or the search box. If you cannot find your topic of interest, you can send me a free E-consultation using the form below.
- List of lung cancer clinical trials
- Information about immunotherapy
- Information about Lung cancer
- Breast cancer treatment
- Information about cancer targeted therapy
- Lung cancer Immunotherapy
Free E-Consultation for cancer clinical trials in India
You can obtain a free E-consultation regarding your cancer by filling the form below. You can also Whatsapp up on +919013812875 for a faster reply or Email us on